The Elite Mindset Program
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The Elite Mindset Program covers:
- Coaches Brief
- Breathing to our advantage, the science of breathing techniques and how to best use them in multiple situations of life.
- The effect on our nervous system and how to minimise stress before it builds up.
- Realistic scenarios and how to apply the right techniques for any high stress situation.
- Performance through Physiology/ Scanning the body and how to create the feeling you want to experience.
- Breathing techniques to activate specific sections of the brain.
- Body posture, adjusting the physical set up to change patterns that alter thoughts, before they come into our minds.
- Leaving the mind, how to respond to situations vs reacting to them.
- Daily practices and training techniques on to be in the ’now’ moment.
- The ability to ‘feel’ and how this is much quicker than thinking.
- The secrets of a smile, using real techniques to advance your abilities in your everyday life.
- How to hit the ‘reset' button and the correct breath pattern to regain your focus.
- The mind/body connection and the science of how this alters our performance.
- Letting go of ego and the over thinking mind to function at the highest level.
- Freezing up and over functioning, how this affects you as an individual and in team environments.
- How to be efficient and productive in your work place.
- Putting it into practice, the best way to set yourself up for success.
- Understanding we have a choice and how follow what make us feel good.
- How to minimise stress in ‘every’ area of life.
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